About Us

“We wanted to create a restaurant that we would go to.”

Walking through Manhattan Beach, California with their children, Jim and Liz Baron were hungry. All they sought was a restaurant that served delicious, locally sourced food with an artful atmosphere and a moderate price point. But alas – nothing of the sort was in sight.

After a few career shifts, years of traveling across the U.S. and extensive experience in culinary management, the pair acquired a few restaurants down south. Their bold and colorful southwestern approach and flavor profile grew out of their experiences eating at hundreds of Mexican restaurants across the country. They vowed to differentiate themselves with an artisan approach to cooking, making everything from scratch with the freshest ingredients.

In 1988, Jim and Liz took a leap of faith, named the place after a frozen blue margarita, and the rest is history.

Their approach and commitment to their community has not wavered; high standards, great value and a passion for good food.


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